Quan Zhang

I am now a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the School of Software, Tsinghua University, supervised by Prof. Yu Jiang. I completed my BS degree from the School of Computer Science at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2020. My research focus lies in program analysis, system security, and artificial intelligence security. If you have any questions, please feel free to contract me. Email: QuanZh98@gmail.com


[FSE’24] Human-Imperceptible Retrieval Poisoning Attacks in LLM-Powered Applications,
Quan Zhang, Binqi Zeng, Chijin Zhou, Gwihwan Go, Heyuan Shi, Yu Jiang.
ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering Ideas, Visions and Reflections Track (FSE-IVR’24).

[FSE’24] When Fuzzing Meets LLMs: Challenges and Opportunities,
Yu Jiang, Jie Liang, Fuchen Ma, Yuanliang Chen, Chijin Zhou, Yuheng Shen, Zhiyong Wu, Jingzhou Fu, Mingzhe Wang, Shanshan Li, Quan Zhang.
ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering Ideas, Visions and Reflections Track (FSE-IVR’24).

[NDSS’24] Automatic Policy Synthesis and Enforcement for Protecting Untrusted Deserialization, (pdf)
Quan Zhang, Yiwen Xu, Zijing Yin, Chijin Zhou, and Yu Jiang.
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS’24).

[OOPSLA’23] Building Dynamic System Call Sandbox with Partial Order Analysis, (pdf)
Quan Zhang, Chijin Zhou, Yiwen Xu, Zijing Yin, Mingzhe Wang, Zhuo Su, Chengnian Sun, Yu Jiang, and Jiaguang Sun.
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA’23).

[OOPSLA’23] Towards Better Semantics Exploration for Browser Fuzzing, (pdf)
Chijin Zhou, Quan Zhang, Lihua Guo, Mingzhe Wang, Yu Jiang, Qing Liao, Zhiyong Wu, Shanshan Li, Bin Gu.
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA’23).

[ISSTA’23] CoopHance: Cooperative Enhancement for Robustness of Deep Learning Systems, (pdf)
Quan Zhang, Yongqiang Tian, Yifeng Ding, Shanshan Li, Chengnian Sun, Yu Jiang, and Jiaguang Sun.
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’23).

[S&P’23] Limits of I/O Based Ransomware Detection: An Imitation Based Attack, (pdf)
Chijin Zhou, Lihua Guo, Yiwei Hou, Zhenya Ma, Quan Zhang, Mingzhe Wang, Zhe Liu, and Yu Jiang.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P’23).

[ESEC/FSE’22] Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing with Dynamic Mod-Ref Analysis, (pdf)
Chijin Zhou, Quan Zhang, Mingzhe Wang, Lihua Guo, Jie Liang, Zhe Liu, Mathias Payer, Yu Jiang.
The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’22), (ESEC/FSE 2022 Distinguished Paper Award).

[TSE] RNN-Test: Towards Adversarial Testing for Recurrent Neural Network Systems, (pdf)
Jianmin Guo, Quan Zhang, Yue Zhao, Heyuan Shi, Yu Jiang and Jiaguang Sun.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE).

[ISSTA’21] AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor Attack of Deep Learning System, (pdf)
Quan Zhang, Yifeng Ding, Yongqiang Tian, Jianmin Guo, Min Yuan, Yu Jiang.
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’21).

Selected Awards

  • The First Prize Scholarship of Tsinghua University, 2021, 2023
  • Outstanding Graduate Award of Beijing, 2020
  • The ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest (ICPC) Xuzhou Site, Gold Medal, 2018
  • The China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) Final site, Silver Medal, 2018


  • Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), Reviewer, 2023
  • Transactions on Information Forensics \& Security (TIFS), Reviewer, 2024
  • Programming Fundamentals, Teaching Assistant, 2022
  • Model Based Software Design, Teaching Assistant, 2023